Thursday, December 2, 2010

Rev. Borghardt's Sermon Review

1. Jesus was mentioned 32 times.

2. The verbs with Jesus as the subject: makes holy, took on sin, died, died for us, was slain, rose and reigns, makes alive, can't stand to be without us, calling us, lives, reigns on His throne

3. Borghardt’s and Edward’s sermons had many differences content-wise, but the themes were almost completely opposite.  The main theme throughout Edward’s sermon was that condemnation was inevitable without accepting the Messiah.  Edward’s sermon used God’s wrath and condemnation as an overriding theme to provoke the fear of God in his audience, and therefore his theme was of death and damnation.  However, in stark contrast to this theme is that of Reverend Borghardt’s sermon, which emphasized the absolute perfection of heaven, and how Jesus’s actions in the Gospel are the only way us, as sinners, can live in this eternal paradise.

1 comment:

  1. I like it when you said the main point of Edwards' sermon was that condemnation was inevitable without accepting Messiah. It was a good descpription of the sermon.
